Upcoming 25th Anniversary Event and a Questionnaire

Looking back at the past 25 years, it has been a very successful and productive time for me in this work as a Lymphoedema caregiver. I have learned many lessons on my journey, and through the health challenges I’ve experienced along the way.

Back on 16th June 1997, I registered my very first business as a sole proprietor, and then again in February 2017, converting it to a Pte Ltd under the Masso Institute name. As time has passed, I have grown and matured with staff strength. They too have matured and grown, left the "nest" and became independent. It's something which I am most proud of. I have coached and taught many therapists, and mentored countless others; there has been no regrets in my journey…

Good or bad, I have grown stronger and better as I overcome each new challenge. My thirst for knowledge and new information continues to help my hands become more and more efficient. I learn through both my patients, and through practical experience, and I keep pushing the boundary of my capabilities to reach out for even greater results.

Walking this Lymphoedema path as a professional, I have picked up patients like myself who are not straight-forward cases. I discovered (well, I was unofficially diagnosed) that I am under a particular disorder called "adiposity delarosa", an inflammatory condition in the adipose tissue (toxic fatty deposits), part of a subset family called Lipoedema (a condition characterized by deposits of inflammative enlarged fat cells under the skin). As my dearest friend said, it is now God’s turn to train me and test my endurance and strength, faith and knowledge, all in one.

As I walk the painful walk to regain my health from the swelling crisis I suffered from in 2016, I learnt how important it is to keep working on my swelling management. At the same time, I know I must strive to find balance by looking after myself. I physically look after my patients; my work is active and requires enduring the pain and swelling in my own body as I work through the day. This is what taught me the most about swelling management—I've became the learning tool of my own expert knowledge.

Lessons I have learned:

  1. There cannot be a day without using my garments, because it has consequences…

  2. I must not be careless with my diet, rest, or exercise.

  3. I must take time out for myself, because no one else can do that for me.

So for my 25th Anniversary, in celebration of the work and dedication to my dearest patients, to all of you who swell out there, I would love to share with our community the lessons you too have learnt. If you know now what you wish you had known then, what will you advise yourself? What have you learnt along the way? This is our opportunity to not let our swelling “go to waste”, and help others learn from our stories so that they can preserve their Quality of Life. I, for one, always believed that cancer-related Lymphoedema is an option, because with knowledge and awareness it can be avoided.

I'd be so grateful if you can help me promote awareness, as part of my wish for our 25th birthday. I want people to know that they do have options, that Lymphoedema is not mandatory after cancer; it is only a risk, and with management it can be mitigated.

If you can, please fill in the questionnaire below. We’ll share the results to the 25th Anniversary Event page on my website (more details to follow!)…


Swelling Questionnaire