21st Annual Sale Announcement


Dear Loyal Supporters of Veronica Aromatherapy,

Firstly let me thank you for your loyal and unwavering support for more than 20 years, and with this I officially open and launch the 21st Annual 40% Off Aromatherapy Sale of 2018!

As you have all probably heard from the last few years, I have mentioned over and over the problems of getting pure and good quality essential oil from the real sources, and now it has all accumulated and translated into a worldwide crisis. Freights have sky rocketed, and essential oils have been classified as dangerous goods and hazardous materials by many of the different countries that I sourced from. Along with these classifications, additional handling fees and taxes have been imposed on them.

Writing this current price list and looking at the 2018/19 oil selection, I struggled with the prices, and with announcing my collection, trying to make good and sound decisions about the prices versus the quality. Talking with several of my regular users, they assured me that I need to go with quality because they trust my professional judgement, that I have always delivered good, high medicinal-quality essential oils to them, in either singular oils or in my blends. So, with much trepidation I will go with selecting the oil list based on what I know is the best quality, oils that I would freely use on my own family. I know the price jump is lot to digest all at once, but know that they are all prized for their quality production, from real aromatherapy farm sources from around the world. Why? How? Because I made the journey to meet the farmers myself, and have seen what they know and do first-hand; so I have made the selections according to their integrity and their product quality.

So, without much more delay and worries, I present the 40% Annual Sale for the 2018/19 collection. Much love and appreciation for the courage you have provided in helping me do this!

Some Notes on the Collection

Our most popular Lavender Bulgaria Organic has been deleted from my list this year. Essentially, because the prices of these oils are so ridiculously high, I have replaced it with the French Population Lavender Organic and the exquisite High Altitude Wild Lavender. Why have a less mature variety of Lavender for the same price as the more matured and better quality French Lavender? I know, sorry for the rude awakening.

Also removed from previous collections are Chamomile Roman and Peppermint Hydrosols (due to farm closure); Sandalwood, Rosemary Verbenone and Neroli (the seller refuses to export due to Hazmat paperwork and regulations; Rosewood (extinct source only produces once in a few years). Sorry, everyone...

Lastly, we've had to remove all other discounts given previously to you because I just don’t have the margins for the rest of the year. I don’t do such large bulk purchases except for once a year. As you know, I keep my stock quality current and fresh, and because the rest of the year doesn’t run on massive volume purchases, the margin is not enough. I hope you understand. The stocks for the annual sale are from the August and September harvest, and I buy them in huge volumes at this time to meet the annual sale demands in October, and so the rest of the year the oil stocks are a going to be little low. This is the only way to manage the aromatherapy business side of my work going forward.

Once again, thank you for your generous, loyal and encouraging support; you and me, we deserve the very best that the fruits of the earth has to offer.

— Veronica